INTERACT Hardware Analysis Report

INTERACT is a unique software platform that recommends vendor neutral, optimum IT hardware refresh and/ or upgrade recommendations, with pricing fed by real time product data from across the server market.
5 year strategy
Interact provides a snapshot of server efficiency across the entire server estate and provides a read out of the age and efficiency of each server model. This report is then used to order the machines from lowest to highest performing in terms of workload efficiency and energy draw. From this, decisions can be made about which servers to replace with which models, and when the next report should be run.
Rack level Consolidation
INTERACT can identify the worst performing servers and advise how many, and what, servers are needed to run the same workload. This eliminates wasted space, saves resources and reduces emissions.
Lift & Shift
INTERACT enables organisations to accurately reduce the number of servers for migration without compromising on performance. This saves rack space, reduces costs, energy and CO2 emissions without lowering workload capacity.